For create best and unique seller profile on fiverr first you need to sign-up for Join fiverr website.
If you Haven’t create a Fiverr account yet? You should learn how to create seller account on fiverr.
Personal info in fiverr profile.
First here In this section of your fiverr profile, you have to explain about yourself. Try to focus on yourself rather than start justifying skills and professional experiences etc.
Also, this personal information is visible to the active buyers on your fiverr public profile mode. So in this section the more personal you get, the more benefits you will get. Now add your own picture on fiverr profile with smilling face with good image quality.
Next is a profile description section, in this description section write about yourself. Share hobbies, expertise, some thing about your psychological attitude, your free time activities. Let buyers know about your personality so they might collaborate with you. And fiverr profile description should be between 150 to 600 characters long.
Next is profile Language section, in this language section you have to select in which language you can speak and the level of fluency in the languages. This will assist your buyers in communicating efficiently with you.
Next section is about your personal info, in this section of fiverr profile present your professional abilities. In this section no need to get personal, to be on point, and write about your profession your skill and what you have to offer.
In the Next section of fiverr profile is Availbility on fiverr.
Do you want to make it a Full-time job or happy to consider it as a Part-time job?
Here you have to select how much time you will spend on fiverr.
Next section is Skills section of fiverr profile in this section you can add what the skills you have with the level of excellence you have granted on those skills. You can easily add the Fiverr defined skills.
Next section of fiverr profile is education in this section of fiverr profile, seller can share academics with the potential buyers on Fiverr. This section step proof that you have studied the niche professionally of which you are offering services. Click Add new and share your education in the fiverr profile.
Next section of fiverr profile is Certification, in this section seller can share there external skill certificate Click Add new and add the certification title with the institution.
Next section is link your fiverr profile to your social media accounts. It justifies that a fiverr seller is an authentic person verified by some other platforms also.
Next section of fiverr profile is Link the social media platforms like Facebook, Google, and Linkedin to show the buyers your social presence. Then click the Connect button to verify.
Now you have completed your Fiverr seller profile.